Saturday, December 22, 2012

Spray Foam & Solstice Fire - 12/21/2012

 On the morning of the winter solstice, the lavender spray foam insulation was applied in the new Monk House building.

In the evening was the Ryakufusatsu -Winter Solstice Ceremony.  People braved the potentially-icy roads to attend this ceremony on the occasion of the shortest day of the year.  Bonfire, tiki torches and candles lit up an evening of chanting, bowing and meditation.

Happy Winter Solstice!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Year's Greetings!

 Shao Shan Temple's 2013
New Year's Greetings
are in the mail
each one uniquely hand stamped.

This year's greeting is KEI-SAKU : Promise-Blossoming. 
As has become an annual tradition, Rev. Taihaku will talk about the New Year greeting during the Dharma Talk at the first Zazenkai of the year -
Jan. 20, 2013.

Happy New Year!
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sewing at Shao Shan Temple - Dec. 15th

 A good turnout of sewers gathered on Saturday, Dec. 15th for the last Funzoe Sewing at Shao Shan Temple for this year.  Many will continue to enjoy this meditative practice at home over the holiday time.

We begin again together next year with the first Sewing Sesshin at Shao Shan Temple on Sunday, January 13th.  Join us!
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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Closing Ceremony of Rohatsu Sesshin - 12/8/2012

 At the end of a strong 8-day Rohatsu Sesshin, a group gathered at Shao Shan Temple for the early morning closing ceremony.  As part of commemorating the Buddha's Enlightenment on seeing the morning star on this day - we walked in the pre-dawn twilight up to the cemetery.
Thanks to everyone who joined in this time of intensive practice.
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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rohatsu Sesshin In Progress - Dec. 1-8, 2012

Rohatsu Sesshin Opening Ceremony
After a week of intensive outdoor activity with the new Monk House construction, we now switch gears to a week of intensive indoor sitting.  Rohatsu Sesshin is an 8 day sesshin ending on December 8th - it is a time of concentrated practice to commemorate Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment upon seeing the morning star.  Sesshin is now in day 5.  There are daily dharma talks by Rev. Taihaku Priest on the subject of Buddha's Enlightenment.

Sesshin - Day 1

Sesshin - Day 2

Kyoshi visits from VA
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sewing inside & Construction outside - Nov.28

A finished Rain-stitch panel
 This morning, following the usual Wednesday early morning program, inside Shao Shan Temple a small group worked on sewing for the Mountain Seat Robe. 

Outside, construction work continued on the Monk House.  The red roof is now on!
 Both the sewing project and the construction project could not happen without the Sangha (community) involvement - Thanks to everyone who has and is participating!

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monk House Construction In Progress!

It is said in the Lotus Sutra that in times of need the Bodhisattvas rise out of the earth to be of assistance.  This weekend at Shao Shan Temple was such an occasion as twenty people enthusiastically volunteered their time and energy for the construction of the Monk House (11/23 &24).  Roger Noble provided capable leadership and the building went up as the snow came down!  Construction continues - visit the website for a slideshow of the construction progress .

Opening Ceremony- Friday morning 11/23/12

Raising the first wall - Saturday 11/24/12

End of the day - Sunday 11/25/12

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Monk House Construction Plans & Upcoming Work Days

Roger has prepared the initial plans for the Monk House and construction preparations are beginning. 

There will be an opportunity for eveyone to participate during the Construction Work Days planned for Friday Nov. 23rd & Saturday 24th. 
The Opening Ceremony & Ground Consecration will be at 9:30am on 11/23/2012. 

Join us for this exciting project!
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Building Project Preparations Begin!

 Several Red Pine trees were cut this week as the first preparations for upcoming building projects.

The most recent and exciting development is the plan to build a 14' x 20' structure on the rise behind the woodshed.  This building will initially be uninsulated and will be used to house the Japanese Monks coming next summer for the practice period.  Roger Noble will be coordinating the construction and there will be an opportunity for the Sangha to be involved - more information to come!
Site of new 14x20' multi-use building

Trees cut in front of the temple
to make way for the
Sept.2013 Ceremonies Tent

Logs from the front pine trees will be
pillars in the future (perhaps distant future)
new Zendo addition

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Sewing & Squirrels

 This week the exciting milestone in the Mountain Okesa sewing occurred, as the first actual panels were passed out to sangha members to begin the rain stitch.  Regular sewing sessions will take place at Shao Shan Temple so we can experience together the depth of practice, when doing a mantra together as a sangha.

Outside the Temple, the red squirrels enjoy the pine cones from Shao Shan's Red Pines.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sept. 9th -Anniversary Celebration

Shao Shan Temple's 12th Anniversary Celebration took place on
Sunday September 9th. 
Approximately 40 people participated in this joyous occasion - joining together in chanting and tying on ribbons symbolizing our intention.   This was followed by abundant refreshments and socializing.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Mountains for the Mountain Seat Robe

On August 15th, several sangha members gathered to cut out moutains from various materials.  Under Donna's wonderful instruction, all the mountains were cut out and an intial panel layout was arranged.

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2012 Summer Children's Program ends

Preparing for meditation instruction

The Calligraphy Plaques created by the children this summer
The Shao Shan Temple Summer children's program met for the last time this summer on August 23rd.  They happily showed off the wooden plaques they created with a Japanese character on it - such as Thunderbolt or Tree.

The program may resume during the school year on a once-monthly basis.
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